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Showing posts from June, 2019

Detoxing from a Toxic World

Detoxing from a Toxic World Lucinda M. Deason, Ph.D. Our health is our wealth!  Many modern day industrial and technological advances are harming our health.   It’s challenging to attain and maintain optimum health when we are bombarded by toxins in the air, soil, water, foods, and medications. Most health experts are focusing on the foods we consume. We need to shift our focus to include the air we breathe and the water we drink and bathe in.  Think about it. We can go longer without food than we can without water. Further, we can live longer without water than we can go without air.  Hence, the utmost priority should be given to air quality, then water quality, and lastly food quality. We have to take steps to protect our health.  One of the ways we can rid our bodies of toxins is to routinely detox our bodies.  There are an innumerable amount of detoxes on the market. Some are inorganic and others are organic.  Our body does not benefit from inorganic substances.